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Weekly Inspiration

Greetings from Pastor James,        

     The world tells us to find something we love and to use our money for it. This attitude leads to people seeking fulfillment through expensive possessions or things to fill their desires. At its worst, it leads to self-destructive behavior.

    Our true treasure cannot be found in money or possessions. Only through the heart can we store up treasures that last eternal. Our true treasure is that of the heart. Our life as a Christian reflects the treasure that is in our hearts.     

    In serving God by being kind and helping those in need brings to one a treasure that is beyond our imagination. 

     You may feel that God cannot use you. You have no skills, gifts or talents. You may think you can barely survive.

     No matter what your background or your position in life, no matter how educated or uneducated you might be, no matter what you may have done in the past, God can use you as long as you’re willing to be available and obedient.

      Read Luke 12:32-48. Find out what the most valuable treasure is in life.   

      The world says, “Grab all the gusto you can get”—and “Look out for Number One”—and “The person who dies with the most toys wins.” Jesus goes against the way of the world’s wisdom when he says, “Sell that which you have, and give gifts to the needy.”

     Do you understand how much God has given you! And how much He will require on the day when Jesus comes again! Are you ready to give him that much, or not?”

     Pray, read God’s Word and God will open your eyes. And you will see what God’s will is for you to see. You will see Jesus in the needy, the lonely, the oppressed, the sick. He will reveal gifts in you that you never knew you had. Through Him you will use those gifts with a power that will make people’s lives better.

     Some say they are Christians. Does your life measure up to what you believe and say? God provided the miracle of the Gospel that changes lives. Through the gift of compassion given to those in need, the result is many treasures stored up in heaven. Simple humble acts of love and compassion add up to great treasures stored up in heaven.

    You have been given much and God requires you to use what you have been given for His glory. We as servants of Christ will be given many opportunities to use the gifts and talents God has given us. We are to use them wisely. Much was given and much is required. God blesses those who bless.   

     Know that your treasure is the Kingdom of God, which in his own good pleasure, God has already given to you. Be prepared for his coming.

     Come worship at Living Water Christian Church. Find out what the most valuable treasure is in life.

    Teach your children where the treasures of the heart lay. Live your life so that others may know what the treasures of your heart are. God gave His Son, a treasure, that was given to save all.

Blessings to all,

Pastor James Boyette

Living Water Christian Church

72 N Lake Ave

Front Royal VA.      22630                      

Please consider making a donation to our ministry   Each dollar you give helps us fulfill the mission and vision God calls us to in reaching people for Christ.

Living Water Christian Church of the Shenandoah Valley
72 N Lake Avenue
Front Royal, VA 22630
Let us not give up meeting together… let us
encourage one another- and all the more as you
see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:25